Thursday, 12 February 2015

Love actually

The day that all the flower and the chocolate selling shops have been waiting for has arrived. In London the atmosphere bespokes an erotic Saturday night. The Pubs have prepared their Valentine's menus, various sweets have been baked in a special festive edition and the stores have decorated their windows with the eternal symbol of love, the heart. At this point I would like to express my childhood...
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As British as you can get

The British are known for their devotion to certain things they love. Walking on the streets of London I made a list about some of those tremendously British things.  1. The red telephone box, regardless the spread of the cell phones, is still decorating the UK streets. I could not actually picture London without the cute red boxes, which nowadays serve mostly photographic purposes....
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Friday, 6 February 2015

Mind the gap

In the UK the security issues are first priority. Especially in the underground, that is used everyday by thousands of people, the precaution measures are particularly enhanced in a unique british way. "Mind the gap" is the perfect slogan. Not too big, not too short. It even sounds melodic. Nowadays it's been stolen by most of the undergrounds of the world, that failed to find something as catchy...
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Thursday, 5 February 2015

The red bricks

After I said farewell to the number one suspect in the UK, I caught a couch to Baker street. The identical british houses with the red bricks seem kind of melancholic on a cold Wednesday night. I couldn't help but wondering ,who inhabits them. Are they happy, ambitious, in love, British, migrant, young, old? What is their daily routine. Do they maybe have a horse to take care of every evening? Do...
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